
Paper is a Responsible 'Product'- "Go Green“ Go Paperless - Slogan makes us Culprit

Delhi | 12 July 2019 | The Pulp and Paper Times:

Attracting more customers on the digital platform, Banks, Telecoms, Utilities, Insurance companies and many other service providers are regularly using environmental Claim such as “Go Green – Go Paperless” and “Save Trees” in their messaging. “In India, we are producing paper in a very responsible manner without cutting trees. We are promoting social forestry, providing employment to farmers and following all environmental norms of the country, so, how can service providers and digitally motivated companies make us a culprit? Bank, Telecom, Utilities and other service providers shoot millions of emails every day with Go Green – Go Paperless slogan which is totally unacceptable. We urge them to remove this entire message from the email. Incorporation of this message in the email is just like to kill the paper industry,” said a paper mill owner.

Two Sides, a global non-profit promoting the sustainability of print and paper, has successfully engaged with 441 companies worldwide to remove or change such claims about print and paper.  Sectors showing the highest occurrence of greenwashing include telecom providers, banks and financial institutions, utility providers and governmental organizations.

In North America, 120 companies, including many of the Fortune 500, have changed or removed their environmental claims following discussions with Two Sides.  “Environmental claims in the U.S. and Canada must meet the guidelines and rules of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and the Competition Bureau of Canada which include having credible and specific science-based facts to support claims.  Unfortunately, we have found that these requirements are rarely met and corporations use ‘go green’ claims purely for marketing and enticing more customers to digital options.  Companies are also ignoring the growing environmental footprint of their electronic infrastructure, including the use of non-renewable resources, energy and the large amounts of e-waste generated,” says Phil Riebel, President, Two Sides North America.

“Ahead of Paper Day on 1st August, We should take this campaign seriously, Government should issue a guideline to remove the Go Green – Go Paperless messaging from the email or make them warn too against this kind of malpractices. Paper comes from a renewable resource and is one of the most recycled materials in the world. When responsibly produced and used, it can be a sustainable way to communicate.” Said a Paper Expert.

Web Title: Paper is a Responsible Product

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