NewGen Eucalyptus Plantation is Farmer and planet Friendly

NewGen Eucalyptus plantation is farmer and planet friendly
• Every year around 1.5 lac ha of clonal (NewGen) eucalyptus plantation is raised in agro forestry in India, creating employment of around 70 million man days in rural areas
• Agroforestry contributes to ~90% of industrial wood requirement of the country, with NewGen eucalyptus plantation share being ~70%
• Farmer incomes are enhanced with agro farming of NewGen eucalyptus across India, making a meaningful contribution to carbon sequestration
New Delhi, July, 02, 2019:
The eucalyptus plantations in India with modern clonal technology have been shown to have no adverse impact on either the environment or on the water table, according to a book published by OUTREACH, a social NGO based out of Bengaluru. A Book titled “Farmer and Planet Friendly- NewGen Eucalyptus†was launched today by Mr. Jigmet Takpa, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) at a CII conference on pulp and paper, supported by Indian Paper Manufacturers Association (IPMA), in New Delhi today. This is one of the most comprehensive research done on the species, in the country.
Eucalyptus has often been criticised for its ecological impacts and allegations have been made without any scientific basis and have not taken into consideration years of extensive research and development that has been carried out on this tree species. It is extremely important to understand and assess the attributes of Eucalyptus before conclusions are drawn.
Till early 1990s, Eucalyptus was being grown based on the primitive seed/seedling methods. With seedlings, Eucalyptus roots have a tendency to go several meters deep inside the soil. However, rigorous and extensive research in root trainer and clonal technology, have enabled improvements in nursery, silvicultural and agroforestry practices which has resulted in the emergence of NewGen eucalyptus that addresses earlier challenges associated with eucalyptus cultivation. Root trainer technology limits the growth of Eucalyptus root to 2-3 metres. Modified package of practices has made eucalyptus cultivation adaptable to both farmers and the ecology.
This book by OUTREACH has documented extensively not only the ecological aspects but also the economics of mass propagation and plantation of NewGen eucalyptus, which are highly productive, disease-resistant and site-specific. These eucalyptus clones have demonstrated superior performance in farm forestry and agro forestry systems that help farmers to grow conventional agricultural crops in conjunction with highly productive tree systems. This is achieved by tapping surface water (nutrients) and photosynthates in a multi-canopied and multi-product paradigm, enhancing overall bio-productivity, while partially drought-proofing it against vagaries of climate change.
The classical ecologists have questioned growing of eucalyptus with agriculture crops by accusing it to be depleting ground water. However thematic studies highlight that on the contrary, NewGen eucalyptus is more efficient in water usage for producing a kg of woody biomass (more crop per drop). The figures benchmarked for water consumption for biomass production (litre/kg biomass) for clonal eucalyptus (with comparatively shallow root system that is confined within 2 to 3 meters) are revealing {eucalyptus 785; sishum 1483; siris 967, et al}. Agriculture crops {cotton 3200; sunflower 2400; rice 2000} are even more demanding.
Eucalyptus has also been criticised for allelopathic toxicity, i.e. chemical inhibition of one specie by another due to germination and growth inhibitors. It has been demonstrated by NewGen eucalyptus plantations that this can be suitably addressed with informed agronomic practices. Farmers across the country have widely adopted NewGen eucalyptus-centric, agro-silvicultural systems and have witnessed significant increase in incomes and prosperity. Considerable volume of experiential and validated data has been gathered over two decades, to counter doubts raised in empirical outpouring of unsubstantiated claims and half-truths, about disastrous consequences of mass propagation and plantation of eucalyptus.
This book covers the recent advancements, debates and discussions, and new horizons such as hybrid development, climate change, forest certification etc. It is an effort to weigh social, ecological and economic implications of planting NewGen Eucalyptus. It is an effort to combine the available knowledge and congregate it at one place to serve as a ready reference to all the stakeholders. In addition, with experience of two decades in continuing plantations of NewGen eucalyptus, it is time that we dispel the negative propaganda against eucalyptus, generally based on empirical perceptions, general hearsay and occasional half-truths which are not based on evidence and facts. It is important that it is critiqued against credible and validated information. This book is also an effort to generate awareness among farmers about how such plantations can have a transformational impact on their well-being thereby ensuring a rational decision even in times of uncertainty. source: IPMA
Web Title: NewGen Eucalyptus Plantation is Farmer and planet Friendly