DGTR recommends continuation of existing anti-dumping duty on uncoated copier paper for further period of two years

DGTR recommends continuation of existing anti-dumping duty on uncoated copier paper for further period of two years
-In event of expiry of anti-dumping duty, there is clear possibility of dumping in significant volumes and consequent injury to the domestic industry.
Delhi | 29th November 2021 | The Pulp and Paper Times:
Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) has recommended the continuation of existing anti-dumping duty on uncoated copier Paper for further period of two years after its completion of the sunset review probe.
The Authority (DGTR) notes that the sunset review was initiated and notified to all the interested parties and adequate opportunity was given to the domestic industry, exporters, importers/ users and the other interested parties to provide information on the aspects of dumping, injury and causal link and the likelihood of continuation or recurrence of dumping and injury.
Having initiated and conducted the sunset review into dumping, injury and causal link and the likelihood of continuation or recurrence of dumping and injury in terms of the provisions laid down under the rules, the Authority is of the view that continued imposition of anti-dumping duty is required on the subject goods from the subject countries.
The Authority, thus, considers it necessary to recommend continuation of existing definitive anti-dumping duty imposed vide Notification no. 56/2018-Customs dated 4th December 2018 for further period of two (2) years from the date of notification to be issued in this regard by the Central Government.

The announcement of imposing the duty came on 4th December 2018 after Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) has recommended the duty after establishing in its probe that the dumping of uncoated paper (A4, A3 & FS Legal Size under heading number 4802) from Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore are having an impact on domestic players.
DGTR states in its report that, the volume of imports has declined because of antidumping duty. However, the volume of import is likely to increase significantly, considering the dumped and injurious price at which goods have been exported from Indonesia to third countries, high export orientation, significant surplus capacities in Indonesia. It is evident that the dumping of the product is likely to continue and the volume of imports is likely to increase significantly in the event of cessation of anti-dumping duties.
The report further said that “In event of expiry of anti-dumping duty, there is clear possibility of dumping in significant volumes and consequent injury to the domestic industry. Indonesia is one of the largest producers of the subject goods. There are significant unutilized capacities in Indonesia, sufficient to cater to entire Indian demand. Significant exports to third countries have been made by the producers at prices below the level of selling price, non-injurious price of the domestic industry and third country prices. It is also seen that various countries have imposed trade remedial measures on subject goods from Indonesiaâ€
On the basis of prima facie evidence of likelihood of dumping and injury, the Authority initiated Sunset Review (SSR) investigation vide Notification No. 7/8/2021-DGTR dated 19th May 2021 to review the need for continued imposition of the duties in force in respect of the subject goods, originating in or exported from Indonesia and Singapore and to examine whether the expiry of the said anti dumping duty is likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping and injury to the domestic industry. Sunset review investigation was not initiated on imports from Thailand.
The directorate has recommended anti-dumping of difference between the landed value of the product and USD 855 per tonne.

Web Title: DGTR recommends continuation of existing anti dumping duty on uncoated copier paper for further period of two years