New Education Policy will Stimulate Writing & Printing Paper's Demand

New Education Policy will Stimulate Writing & Printing Paper's Demand
Punjab | 7th November 2020 | The Pulp and Paper Times:
Punjab | 7th November 2020 | The Pulp and Paper Times: The Union Cabinet has cleared a new National Education Policy (NEP) proposing sweeping changes in school and higher education. This new National Education Policy will change the publishing and printing sector majorly. During an IPPTA’s webinar on Paper Industry, Shreyans Industries Ltd’s CEO & ED- Mr. Anil Kumar outlined the significance of the new NEP in the writing and printing paper segment.
He said that significant demand will generate in the writing and printing sector once the new curriculum, assessment system to roll out from the academic year 2021-22.
The NEP proposes sweeping changes including opening up of Indian higher education to foreign universities, dismantling of the UGC and the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), introduction of a four-year multidisciplinary undergraduate program with multiple exit options, and discontinuation of the M Phil program.
The NEP will require implementing a new syllabus in schools and higher education thus printing of new books will pump fresh demand in the publishing market.
Mr. Anil further clarified the demand status in Punjab, and said that our order flow has been better in last couple of months and having orders of next 10 to 15 days in our books but prices are non-workable and down.
“In Punjab, Writing and Printing paper mills are working on reasonably good capacity, talking about Shreyans Industries, we are working on 100 percent capacity although we did take shut down in July and August months,†Mr. Kumar said.
The wood pulp prices have shown an increase of 75 to 80 US $ per tonnes during last month which gives a clear indication that demand in WP segment is picking up.
Mr. Kumar looks optimistic on the demand front; he anticipates that January 2021 onwards prices should stabilize, demand will sustain because most of the Institutional buying is going to start in next month and so.
Web Title: New Education Policy will Stimulate Writing Printing Paper s Demand