Pakka’s board approves Rs. 675 crores for Jagriti Project, Including PM-4 installation, Envisaging the expansion of the paper manufacturing plant by 2026

Pakka’s board approves Rs. 675 crores for Jagriti Project, Including PM-4 installation, Envisaging the expansion of the paper manufacturing plant by 2026
Ayodhya | The Pulp and Paper Times:
As part of the global bio-economy, Pakka Limited (PL) is a leading provider of renewable and regenerative products in packaging and paper. Sustainability and responsible business practices are deeply embedded in PL strategy, and its low-carbon, fiber-based products are renewable and recyclable.
Approval of the revised cost of Jagriti Project:
In its intimation to BSE Limited on 27th March 2024, Pakka Limited informed regarding the ‘Jagriti Project’ envisaging the expansion of the paper manufacturing plant by setting up a 1 no’s of a new paper machine (i.e. PM-4) with the installed capacity of 100 TPD, increase in the installed capacity of one of the 3 existing paper machines (i.e. PM-3) from 70 TPD to 80 TPD, increase in the capacity of pulp mill from the current 130 TPD to 180 TPD and installation of a new 12 MW to 15 MW power plant in addition to the currently installed 6 MW and 2.5 MW plants at the factory at the Ayodhya Plant. The Board has now considered and approved the revised cost of ‘Jagriti Project’ i.e. Rs. 675 crores against the previously approved cost of Rs. 550 crores which is also recommended by the Audit Committee. The expansion is expected to be completed by the middle of the year 2026.
Pakka Limited’s manufacturing plant is situated in Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh). As on 31st March, 2023, the Company’s manufacturing facility comprised a 130-TPD pulp mill (bleached and unbleached) complemented by three paper machines (installed capacity 39,100 TPA and two power plants 8.5 MW) driven by biomass. Besides, the plant comprises a 145 MT chemical recovery plant and 20 production lines to produce 18 TPD compostable tableware. The manufacturing capacities provide the Company with attractive economies of scale, enhancing competitiveness across market cycles.
Pakka generated 76 percent of its revenues from within India and the rest from a complement of 40+ countries. Exports grew 44 percent in FY 2022-23 by value and domestic revenues increased by 39 percent. The Company generated 74 percent of its revenues from paper, 13 percent from pulp and 13 percent from compostable bagasse tableware.
The new machine (PM4) would take short bagasse fibres and make customized flexible packaging, playing to its strengths. The result is that the Company’s infrastructure will be positioned as the 10 best across the globe for the grades to be manufactured.
Web Title: Pakka’s board approves Rs. 675 crores for Jagriti Project, Including PM-4 installation, Envisaging the expansion of the paper manufacturing plant by 2026